
  • What is happening?

    At the August 2024 FCS Board Meeting a proposed closure & consolidation of PES (and Spalding Drive Elem.) was announced. This consolidation would trigger a re-districting of the surrounding schools/zones and have a ripple effect across the community. (For guidance on the re-districting process look here.)

    In the September meeting, the proposed plan was presented. This plan & presentation can be found here. The video recording of the meeting can be found here.

    Many parents from PES and Spalding Drive spoke against this plan and the incredibly detrimental impact this would have on our students, community & families.

    What is the board's justification?

    The FCS board is citing several factors to justify the consolidation of our school.

    -Reduced enrollment in FCS districts

    -School building condition

    -Inability to fill the newly constructed Conley Hills Elementary

    -Classroom "under utilization"

    -An outdated district policy located here.

    What they don't consider?

    -Enrollment in pre-k classes

    -Proximity & total # of charter schools in our area

    -Academics & academic growth/success of the school

    -Historical relevance of schools

    -Current assessment of school facilities (last completed in 2020)

  • Who are we?

    PES is a small community school with a rich history of supporting exceptional students & students who are the most at-risk. Closing PES would have a long-lasting negative effect on our students, families & our neighborhoods.

    We know that our most vulnerable population of students thrive in smaller schools with close school communities, access to community resources & a variety of essential services.

    PES currently has:

    • 3 AUD classes and are set to gain a 3rd.

    • A sensory room.

    • Two speech therapists.

    • Occupational/physical therapist.

    • A PreK-3 AM/PM special needs class.

    • 2 PreK-4 special needs classes that just moved to our school after SL Lewis ES was closed last year.

    • Inclusionary PreK-4 class in addition to our general PreK-4 class.

    • The FCS social workers office.

    • The FCS homeless liaison office.

    • Title I Family Resource Center

    • A dance class for K-5th in partnership with Atlanta Ballet.

    • YMCA Primetime Afterschool Program.

    • Community in Schools of Atlanta which provides our school with a representative and resources.

    • FCS early intervention specialists, we also have a partnership with Americorp, which provides us with a literacy tutor.

  • Why are we fighting this?

    -PES is a community school that provides a safe haven for our most vulnerable students.

    -We provide essential services to our exceptional & increased need students via our AU & inclusionary classrooms.

    -Our students deserve a school in their own neighborhood, not one across town.

    -Our students deserve the investment of FCS in their future achievement.

    -Studies show small community schools support our most vulnerable students better than larger schools.

    -Studies show that closing schools has a ripple effect on students, nearby community, property values & community engagement.

    -Students in elementary schools that close are shown to be less likely to graduate & report lower academic achievement & lifelong earning.

    -Educational equity is a value our community believes in.

    -Preserving the history & community of Parklane is important.

    -We are seeing an increase in enrollment & investment from neighboring communities with young children.

  • What are we asking?

    -North Fulton shows the most drastic decrease in enrollment yet does not have any schools slated for consolidation/closure, why is this?

    -Why the rushed timelines? Give us time & support to increase enrollment & improve facilities.

    -Our building assessment was completed in 2020 and lack of systems upgrades was a choice made by the district, why are we being penalized?

    -FCS data shows that PES is not the school in the worst condition, yet our school was first to be considered, why are these other schools with marginally higher enrollment not being considered?

    -Our academic performance & enrollment has shown a steady increase, uprooting our school now would destroy that progress, what is the plan to mitigate this?

    -Why are the needs of our most vulnerable students not a priority to our FCS leadership?

    -What is the plan for the PES building should a closure occur?

  • What can you do?

    Email the FCS board, as many times as you want!

    -Express your concerns, ask questions, share testimonials

    -Email contacts & example letters can be found here.

    Attend all the meetings & make your voice heard!

    -Speak at board meetings (sign-up ahead of time)

    -Share your concerns at redistricting meetings.

    -Pack the room during board meetings & bring signs & shirts!

    -Visit our Events page for a list of upcoming meetings.

    Spread the word

    -Talk to your neighbors, city & state government representatives & the media

    -Like, engage & share content, posts & updates about our fight!